Tuition fees are subsidised by the Territory. The level of subsidy can differ by course so some courses are partially subsidised and others attract no subsidy at all. Some courses may have capped places available as well which means only a certain number of people may make use of the applicable government subsidy. ASTC fees often change because these subsidies change. This means ASTC fees may not be the same one year to another which can make comparisons difficult.
To help you in understanding the different types of fees at ASTC here are some examples:
Currently the majority of ASTC courses offered in the Australian Capital Territory fall into this category but the level of this subsidy can vary between programs, often reaching as high as 90%. A good example of this type of course is Certificate III in Business Administration (BSB30112) where students will only pay $965 towards a course which would have cost $5500 without the government subsidy.
Some courses will have no government subsidy of any sort. ASTC decides which courses are in this category on the basis of whether people are already employed and can afford to pay or whether ASTC is aware that the student fee is a barrier.
An example of a course of study which is capped for government subsidy would be all Australian Apprenticeships.
The pricing rates for apprenticeships and traineeships are detailed in the list of Funded Training for apprenticeships and traineeships located on the Departments website at https://avetars.act.gov.au/
Pursuant to clause 17 of the Contract, ASTC will charge the Training Participant a fee for administrative costs in line with fees applied by TAFE ACT http://ASTC.edu.au/fees
Fee Exemptions
ASTC may grant fee exemptions to eligible Apprentices or Trainees in certain circumstances, as applied by TAFE ACT.
Fee Payment Plans
Students should enquire about a fee payment plan at time of enrolling.
Payment plans can be set up for students to make payments throughout the current semester via weekly, fortnightly or monthly due dates.
Please note ASTC does NOT direct debit. You will need to schedule payments yourself via your own internet banking.
Please note any withdrawals must be in writing before the original Student Tax Invoice due date or students are liable for all associated fees.
• Available where fees total more than $200
• Specific regular due dates for payments to be met by student
• Students sign a contract
The following fees may be applied:
Training and assessment (traineeship)
refer: https://avetars.act.gov.au
# refer fee invoicing below Training and assessment (traineeship)
refer: https://avetars.act.gov.au
Cancelled Visit Fee
Under a traineeship
Fee for service: Nil
Charged when a student cancels or is not present at a scheduled visit and has not provided more than 24 hours notice of cancellation.
Learning Material Replacement
Fee for service:
Charged when student requests replacement of learning material which has already been issued or provided.
Not Ascertainable*
Recognition of Prior Learning
Under a traineeship
Fee for service:
Payment of administrative application fee
Charged when unit(s) exemption application is finally approved by the CEO and/or the ASTC Academic Committee and a fee per module approved will apply
Reassessment of a unit of competency
Under a traineeship
Fee for service:
Charged when a student submits a unit of competency for reassessment which has previously been assessed as Not yet Competent on 2 prior occasions.
Re-Issue of Qualification
Under a traineeship
Fee for service:
Charged when a student requests the reissue of a qualification which has already been issued or provided.
Charged for urgent (within 24 hours of request) reissue of a Statement of Attainment which has already been issued or provided
Re-Issue of Statement of
Under a traineeship
Fee for service:
Charged when a student requests the reissue of a Statement of Attainment which has already been issued or provided.
Charged for urgent (within 24 hours of request) reissue of a Statement of Attainment which has already been issued or provided
* Items marked as “Not Ascertainable” are regarded as such due to the significant variations in place for individual students and individual enrolments. For those items marked as “Not Ascertainable” the student may request a written quote prior to the provision of the services and will not be held liable for these services until they receive a written quote.
ASTC applies the following criteria in assessing eligibility for refunds:
Student debt recovery
Debt recovery for outstanding fees will to be undertaken as follows:
Commencing legal proceedings
1. Letter of demand
The first step is for ASTC to send a letter of demand to you advising of the dispute and the money outstanding, and give you a defined period within which to settle the matter or else face legal action.
A guideline on acceptable and unacceptable debt collection practices is published by the Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) as ASIC Regulatory Guide 96 - Debt collection guideline: for collectors and creditors. It is available at the ASIC website at www.asic.gov.au.
2. Response to letter of demand
In response to a letter of demand, you may:
• pay the full amount owing;
• show that no money is owed;
• negotiate a compromise, for example, payment by instalments or part payment; or
• ignore the letter or respond to it in a way that is unsatisfactory to ASTC.
If you agree a compromise with ASTC it is to be or is to be confirmed, in writing to avoid later disputes.
3. Small Claims debt recovery action
Within 21 days from the date on which the claim is served, you must:
(a) pay ASTC the full amount - in which case you need to notify ACAT that the debt has been paid; or
(b) file a Response with ACAT stating that the debt is disputed either in full or in part or admitting the debt and making a proposal for payment; or
(c) contact ASTC to try and reach a settlement agreement – if you do reach an agreement, ACAT must be notified in writing.
If you fail to do any of these things within the 21 (or 25) day period, ASTC may file an ‘Application for Default Judgment’ form requesting ACAT to enter a judgment against you.
4. Enforcement
If you do not pay, there are a number of methods of enforcement. ACAT’s order is treated as an order filed in the Magistrates Court and can be enforced under the rules of that Court. The Court may order the sheriff or bailiff to seize and sell your property to satisfy the debt owed to ASTC, or make an order ‘attaching’ your wages or earnings until the debt is paid.
5. Appeals
An unsuccessful party can appeal a decision by ACAT. The appeal must be lodged within 28 days of the decision (although ACAT can extend the time).
Choosing a training pathway and qualification
A training pathway refers to the different ways a person can achieve a qualification.
Under an Australian Apprenticeship, these pathways may include:
The type of training plan will depend on factors such as:
Skilled Capital payment arrangements
Students who successfully complete their qualification are eligible for a completion payment. A completion payment will be paid directly to the student upon completion of the qualification and a survey. The completion payment is $300 for each qualification. Students will be eligible to receive the completion payment for up to one (1) year after successful completion of the qualification, provided up to date email and bank account details are confirmed. A student is not eligible for a completion payment where more than 50% of the units are completed through RPL and/or credit transfer.